Janis Garan

Reiki, Tarot, Mediumship & Intuitive Guidance

for the spiritually curious looking for a little direction, confirmation, or inspiration

 Because… You’re Curious, Not Crazy.

  • You always look at the clock at 11:11, 2:22, or 3:33.

  • The lights flicker every time you walk into your kitchen at 6:07 pm (the very time your father passed).

  • You’ve tried everything to alleviate your migraines, knee pain, or insomnia. 

  • You are at a crossroads in your life and unsure what path to take. 

  • Your 12-year tarot-loving self is showing up 20 years later. 

  • Recently every book you download on Audible seems to be spiritually related. 

If these sound like you- you are not alone. 

For so many, what starts as a journey in self-improvement is becoming a journey towards spiritual attunement. 

I’m here to act as a bridge to the wisdom and guidance meant for you to help you tap into the highest part of you.







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Meet Janis

I was a muggle. I had a normal childhood.  My parents were social workers, and I had a successful IT career.  It wasn’t until I had my son at 35 that I started to remember my 12 year-old-tarot-loving-self.  

I was not born a psychic, and I don’t come from generations of mystics and seers,  but what I have done is gone from the expected (left-brain) world and moved into an Intuitive (right-brain) world.  I’m a skeptic, so this magical world was a hard sell for me.  I wanted to hide my gifts and ignore my inner knowing, but that was not in the cards for me (pun intended).  After 15 years of fully embracing my woo-woo world, I am here to help others embrace and access theirs because life gets so good when you plug into the BIGness you are here with and are made from.